HNV, a sports club in Tampere

Hämeen Naisvoimistelijat ry (HNV) is a sports club in Tampere, Finland. The club was founded already in 1928. HNV is supervised by a Board, which has six to ten active members. The club HNV is also a member of The Finnish Gymnastics Federation. We celebrated our 95th anniversary in 2023!

The club has aerobics classes every week from Monday to Sunday. There are also some special classes, such as Yoga.

The registration for every class is done online on our website. The fee for adults’ aerobics classes is 95 euros/season plus 10 euros yearly membership fee. Sports premises are located in different schools around Tampere and in the University Sports Centre Atalpa and Ratina.

You may also take part in the adults’ classes by paying eight euros in cash (exact change) to the person in charge, who might wear a t-shirt with the HNV logo. If you pay the lesson in cash, you don’t have to register nor be a member of the association. Come and try, even though your Finnish skills are not so good. If you aren’t sure of the movements, watch what the others do!

Welcome to take part in our actions!

Contact information for our office:
+358 45 631 0279